Yikes!  Something happened and you’re not happy about it. 

It happens to all of us. A lot. Maybe you fought with a loved-one, your boss raged at you or you had car trouble.

And then your mind focuses on it and replays it. Again and again. And now your mind imagines what could have been said or what could have happened.  Or worse – what will happen. And the train of your mind picks up speed as it replays and reimagines the scenario.   

But wait! You don’t have to keep going down that track! Here are some simple ways to get your mind on a new track — 

  1. Breathe
  2. Exercise
  3. Find 5 things to be grateful for
  4. Read a book
  5. Go outside in nature
  6. Listen to music
  7. Think on your favorite things
  8. Breathe

I know, I know, I said 7 ways and there are 8 on the list. Because breathing is so important — so important I could have put it between every other item!

Breathe. We do it all the time. Literally. Of course we do, or we’d be dead! But if you can focus on your breath, FEEL it, going both in and out, breathing deeper and slower as you focus, it becomes easier to shift your mind. A simple breathing technique is to breathe in for the count of 4, pause and hold your breath for the count of 2, and then breathe out for the count of 4, pause and hold your breath for the count of 2 again before starting the next round. Try 5 or 6 rounds and see if it is easier to do one of the other things on the list! 

What are your ‘go-to’ ways to shift your mind towards joy? Leave me a comment to let me know!