Some might see those words and wonder – Is joy something you should take? Isn’t taking selfish or greedy? Yet there are many things we ‘take’ and we don’t consider selfish. We ‘take a breath’, we take care of ourselves, and we take responsibility. So really, Take Joy stands in good company! The former are all considered necessary for a healthy life. Joy is too.
As adults, we take ownership of our lives. Or mostly. We might forget from time to time but all in all we know it’s up to us. What we wear, what we eat, what we say, and how we spend our time are all choices we make on a daily basis. Those choices make a big difference in our day to day lives.
Joy is a choice too. And it makes a big difference in our daily life as well. Joy takes us from surviving to thriving.
So, let’s take joy and allow ourselves to thrive.