There has never, in the history of histories, been a better time to see and find things to be joyful about.
We have the “old-time” things we can see and do that we’ve had for decades –
- Go on a nature walk and see beauty in trees, birds, animals, fungi, flowers or insects
- Drive your car to your favorite place
- Lie on your back and watch the clouds roll by or the stars shine in the night sky
- Sing and dance – alone or in company
And we have the newer things that have cropped up in my lifetime –
- Take a plane to a spot anywhere in the world you’ve always wanted to go
- Go to a restaurant and find any food that delights you
- You can text or message your family, friends, and loved ones – instantly!
- You can search the internet for “joy”, for “love”, for anything that makes you feel good
And everywhere you can see –
- People – people caring, helping, smiling and laughing
For the skeptics, yes, I know; in that same way you can easily find horrible things to look at too. Just remember, if you can see something horrible by turning on the TV, tapping into cyberspace or looking around your neighborhood, you can find amazing things too.
It just depends on where you choose to look.
Just reply and let me know where you chose to see joy today!